Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Methods Of Measuring Cellular Respiration

     Scientists and researchers have been searching for new means of which to measure Cellular Respiration for years now. The old methods (Warburg Apparatus, and Clark Electrode) have now become obsolete, and utilize too much oxygen to function efficiently. They could perform 2-3 experiments in a day but this new technology can perform up to 96 experiments in 2 hours. This new technology is called the XF96 Analyzer (made by Seahorse Technologies) and it measures cellular bienergetics in the glycolysis and mitochondrial pathways. This technological advancement is aiding in many aspects including observing the role of the Mitochondria in Parkinsons disease, and in Stroke and diabetes.
The XF96 Analyzer will without a doubt impact society for the better. The results it provides should greatly curtail the amount of time it will take find treatments for cell related diseases. Also it consumes much less oxygen than previous methods for measuring cellular respiration therefore improving the environment. 

1 comment:

  1. That is sweet. I thought this would have something to do with Vo2 max and fitness and what not. But this is perfectly awesome as well.

