Toxic bile damages the liver- October 24th, 2008
A protective element of bile is missing! Researchers have found that because of this new disease severe liver damage can occur. This component protected the liver cells from cirrhosis, which leads to the eventual loss of liver function. This find could explain and help find a cure for the unexplained cirrhosis cases. Some 15-20% cases of cirrhosis are unexplained, have an unknown source.
Doctors from the Institute of Human Genetics have found a mutation in the ABCB4 gene that controls bile secretion. This can either start in childhood or as an adult but the end result is normally death. Other diseases have been linked to the mutation of this gene.
This is a great discovery, but a greater discovery is finding a way to have bile function properly. Cirrhosis of the liver is often fatal, so a cure for this disease is greatly needed.