Sunday, November 23, 2008

Video Games? Eating Away Energy? no.... Well, YES!

"What is this all about?" You are probably asking yourself this question right now or maybe you are asking yourself, "How do video games hurt our supply of energy?" I'm sure you have several questions running through your mind, and that's why I am here to help! Read on to find out what you can do to reduce your energy bill and what video games are doing to our energy supply!

So we ask, how do video games relate to our world energy crisis. Video Games are only a SMALL part of it. Recent studies say that we can significantly reduce energy use by simply shutting off video games or at least making sure to turn them off when you are done playing them! Yes, thats right! Video games are sucking away our energy!

Studies say that the Nintendo Wii is the number 1 energy "eater". It uses the most energy to power it up and by accidentally leaving it on, we are wasting energy. All it takes is the switch of a button after you play it and it is said that gamers will save $100 dollars a year if they can remember to turn off their systems after they play! (Although it may not sound like a lot, think about this... 10 years = $1000!!) Better yet, sell them and you will save even more!

Turning off video games, just simply shutting them down, can be an instant energy saver which results in a money saver according to recent studies! If we can all remember to turn off not only video games but other electronics, think about all of the energy and money we can save! 
Come on everybody, let's do it!

The following chart shows the money saved between gamers 
who turn off their systems and those who do not! Take a look! 
yellow = those who turn their consoles off
orange = those who leave their consules on



  1. This is a VERY interesting article and the title really caught my eye~ ;)
    It was so relatable to our generation because we all really like video games! The chart was very informative and i could really understand what it was saying. Great Job!!!!!

  2. This is very true especially when people go on vacation and leave there PS3 on. It happens very often in my house and i think it happens alot in other houses based on playing Xbox at their house.

  3. This is so interesting!!! I cannot believe something as small as this is eating away energy! If people would just remember to turn these devices off then we could save so much money! It makes me wonder if turning off other devices could also save everybody money! great job!!
