Gorillas on Weight Watchers? Polar bears slurping sugar-free Jell-O shots? Giraffes nibbling alfalfa biscuits
Most people no that gorillas are just like humans. But I bet you didn’t no that gorillas in the Atlanta zoo are now on a special diet, just like humans they don’t want to be over weight. The diet is just like weight watchers and all foods are on a point system. For the polar bears, they receive one point for each of their granola bars. Some zoos do not use the point system but they strive to keep the animals on a low-calorie and healthy diet. Now instead of receiving fruit juices the gorillas and orangutans are now getting to sip on some crystal light because it contains less sugar and fewer calories, the zoos are striving to keep fit animals by feeding them right.
As much as I like the article, i feel that this report on it is a bit flawed. There are many unanswered questions after reading this report. Why are these animals being put on weight watchers? Why must they lose weight? How many of the zoos around the nation are doing this? Also, should this be unjust for not feeding the animals what they truly want?