While this article is somewhat comical, it does bring up an interesting point. Professor Steve Jones believes humans have stopped evolving. “A decrease in the level of mutation and the reduced influence of natural selection means that as far as humans are concerned the future looks like more of the same-no wings, no scissorhands, no third hypno-eye.” The article mentions that there has been a decrease in the level of mutation as well as a reduced influence of natural selection. We have learned from Chapter 23, that mutations and sexual reproduction produce the genetic variation that makes evolution possible. His point is that humans do NOT follow the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. They do naturally select and don’t randomly mate. Therefore, there is no possible way the human population can properly evolve. When you think about it, didn’t you already realize that?
I believe that we are in control of our own evolution now. We can change our selfs as needed. We are pretty evolved as it is. Thing like more brain power and unmatched physical strength are great. Maybe we can devolop more senses, the sky is the limit.