Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tidal Waves / Tsunamis
Tsunamis are giant waves formed in bodies of water such as oceans. They are formed from submarine, or under water earthquakes miles under the sea level.
These earthquakes produce massive vibrations that disrupt the water creating an underwater wave that moves in different directions and get larger as they enter shallow water. As it gets closer to shore, the vibrations break the water’s surface creating a small wave. As it reaches the shore the waves can reach higher than 40 feet high, and they can move almost as fast as a plane. But these waves are anything but productive, one of the most recent tsunamis killed over 300,000 people.
Energy from Waves
The oceans have enough energy to provided more than two trillion tons watts of electricity to the public. That's a lot of energy and scientists want a way to harness all this power, their way of doing this would be by using the device, Checkmate SeaEnergy(anaconda). This device is a long rubber, water filled tube that is only currently used in small sizes, but has the potential to get big enough for the ocean. If the scientists are successful with this device they would be able to harness about one megawatt of power at about 12 cents a kilowatt-hour. This would definitely increase energy produced for the public which would lower prices of electricity drastically.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Walk-in, Walk-out Surgery

In a hospital in Cornwall, England, surgeons are using a brand-new treatment for varicose veins. In the surgery, Radio waves are emitted from a probe to heat the vein, which causes the vein to close. This new type of surgery helps patients recover faster and with less pain than the old surgeries that require incisions to close the veins and anesthetics. Also, the surgeries are faster, so the hospital can treat more people. The radio wave surgery is helpful to both hospitals and their patients.
Using Sound waves to make surgery easier

New HD Radio is much better than your regular old radio. HD radios change the siginal of analog radio to digital and it also increases the quality. With an HD radio, your AM stations will sound like FM and FM will sound like a CD in your car. New cars may have HD radio as an added feature, or you could buy a seperate radio for around $200. Another great feature of HD radio is that a station can brodcast multiple channels, so for instance you could listen to 107.5 or 107.5-2.
MSNBC's Article
Cell Phones affecting human cells?

The radio wave that cell phones give off can affect cell behavior in humans. Some scientists have done tests with 10 volunteers where they are exposed to radiation at 900 megahertz from GSM cell phones. They are simulated through an ordinary hour-long phone call. After this test, they ran screenings and discovered that the amount of a couple of the proteins were altered in this process in all of the volunteers. This is the first study conducted to show altercations to the human body by cell phones. Scary stuff right?
Another pretty freaky website (2006):

NEW APPLE GPS.... and Beyond
This new technology was made possible when the GPS technology and iPhone software came together to create a new and never seen before technology that looks like the iPhone. The Apple GPS makes it possible for you to find a location, get directions, and if you want to, follow your progress along a highlighted route with LIVE GPS tracking.
The Apple GPS uses signals from GPS satellites, Wi-Fi hot spots, and cellular towers to get the best reception. This way, the reception waves always get to your GPS so you can get to where you need to be!
A Wave-Pump Technology Hits the Water Hard, From Salt to Fresh to Energy
Scientists have created a brand new idea and technology that is being experimented in the Gulf of Mexico as we speak. They call it a "wave-pump". What does it do is probably your question. Well here's my answer, the "wave pump" is an ocean pump that turns salt water into fresh water that is later turned into clean and renewable energy. It's simple. The "wave-pump" takes waves and energy from the ocean swells and stores it in land areas where is can be taken and made into energy through a process. This energy is then distributed into waves of energy and used.
The picture below shows what the "wave-pump" looks like!

High-pitched ringtone

Students are using a new ring tone to receive messages in class, and many teachers can't even hear the ring. Some students are downloading a ring tone off the Internet that is too high-pitched to be heard by most adults. As people age, many develop what's known as aging ear, or a loss of the ability to hear higher-frequency sounds. A Welsh security company developed the tone to help shopkeepers disperse young people loitering in front of their stores while leaving adults unaffected. The company called their product the "Mosquito."
Autistic Brain Waves

There is a new technology that can show the way that autistic people think and develop their words and sentences. This new technology is called magnetoencephalography or MEG. It measures the magnetic fields in a brain nerve cell and looks at the process that is going on in someone's mind. This technology could also look for brain tumors and epilepsy.
Can Energy Waves kill bacteria? Royal Rife may have been the instigator on a war against bacteria, with waves as weapons.
dark energy.

scientists have found that over the 9 billion years of human existence, the galaxy has begun to expand. It is not that the planets are moving away from one thing that is in the center, but that everything is expanding away from everything, which would mean in a long time the world would freeze since the sun would be so far away. Using x rays to trap this dark energy that is going through the earth constantly, scientists can attempt to trap some dark matter and figure out whether or not it is what is causing everything to expand. However, it is really hard to find the right thing so it could take scientists a really long time to figure out.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Warp Speed

What is Warp speed?
Warp speed (also known as Warp Drive) is a form of speed faster than light.
Warp speed provides the propulsion of a spacecraft to many times the speed of light.
Scientists maintain to this very day that the acheivement of reaching the speed of light is near impossible. Many famous movies and shows that have portrayed the speed of light are, Star Trek, Starship Troopers, SpaceBalls, Star Wars, and many others. The possible travel of warp speed is dependent on an equation for objects that is based on Einstein's General Relativity.
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